[214] ME GUSTA
Posted: miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011 by Superhero!! in
¿Que por que me gusta el woodworking?
[esta parte es copy&paste:]
[esta parte es copy&paste:]
I like woodworking because it's a challenging task.
It's not simple enough to get boring,
and it's not complicated enough to create anxiety.
Merging of action and awareness.
Merging of action and awareness.
I'm just in their doing it.
I'm not conscious of myself standing in my shop "woodworking."
I'm simply a part of the process and the woodworking happens.
Clear goals.
I know exactly what I want to build, how I want it to look.
How many other things are this clear cut in your life?
Immediate feedback.
I look at what I´m doing and I know that it's right or wrong,
the joint fits or it doesn't. -That's it.-
High degree of concentration.
I'm absolutely into it.
Most things that would distract me go unnoticed.
Altered sense of time.
I'm not really aware of how much time has passed
until my wife comes down to my shop and says:
"Are you EVER coming up to dinner?"
[Y esta parte yo la escribi:]
[Y esta parte yo la escribi:]
Keep a piece of furniture is not my goal.
I can build something and give it as a gift.Some one else will have the piece
but I will always keep for me the way I build it.
Learn woodworking on the web
helps me practice my English.
Sometimes I surprise myself thinking in English
I can expres some terms only in english
and I have no idea how to share it in my own languaje, spanish.